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Crafting the ideal license for your Git repository in seconds!

Getting Started

Licensmith, a streamlined tool, allows you to create an ISC LICENSE file for your Git repository with ease, using just one command. This tool is designed to save you time and effort.

Usage Instructions

To generate an ISC LICENSE file with the current year and your name, run the following command:

licensmith add ISC

By default, Licensmith searches for user details in your local repository (name and email) as a fallback option. It uses global configuration if no local information is found.

You can customize this process by providing specific values using the following command:

licensmith add ISC --name "John Doe" --email "jdoe@example.com"

To view available templates, run the following command:

licensmith list

To display a license summary, use:

licensmith show ISC

Installation Options

Licensmith can be installed using various methods:

  1. Prebuilt Binaries:

    • For stable versions, visit the Releases page.
    • To access development versions, check out the Actions.
  2. Installation from Source: Refer to the compilation section for step-by-step instructions.

Compilation Instructions

To build Licensmith from source, follow these steps:

git clone https://github.com/wzykubek/licensmith
cd licensmith
go build -v ./...