Wiktor Zykubek 6725f1f41a Changes with .scripts dir
- change name of 'passworder' to 'rofi-keepasxc'
- move 'rofi-keepassxc' to other repo
- delete useless scripts
- modify 'updot' script to not adding 'rofi-keepassxc' and useless scripts to this repo
- modify sxhkd configs because of reason change name of 'passworder'
2020-03-11 17:22:29 +01:00

6 lines
481 B
Executable File

RESOL=$(xrandr | grep '*' | grep -o '?*[0-9]*x?*[0-9]*')
i3lock -i ~/.config/wallpapers/$RESOL/wall$(( ( RANDOM % $(ls ~/.config/wallpapers/$RESOL | wc -l) +1 ) )).png --composite --insidecolor=55443311 --ringcolor=99443300 --ringvercolor=00000000 --insidevercolor=55443311 --keyhlcolor=99999999 --indicator --veriftext= --wrongtext=! --radius 180 -b --separatorcolor=00000000 -k --timesize=40 --datesize=20 --time-font=Monospace --date-font=Monospace --bar-indicator