Few changes of dotman

This commit is contained in:
Wiktor Zykubek 2020-03-09 17:06:32 +01:00
parent cf1a4793e0
commit b5608c57d4

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@ -22,8 +22,10 @@ git clone https://aur.archlinux.org/yay.git
cd yay
makepkg -si --noconfirm
mkdir ~/.log
# install all dependencies and packages
yay -S --noconfirm neovim qutebrowser telegram-desktop minecraft-launcher dunst bspwm sxhkd htop mpd ncmpcpp picom ranger rofi transmission-cli vlc zsh youtube-dl grc curl wget dmenu xclip figlet w3m xorg-server xorg-xinit ttf-font-awesome ttf-dejavu vifm feh xorg-xsetroot lxappearance python-pip alsa-utils tmux networkmanager maim fzf exfat-utils fuse2 udiskie udisks2 imagemagick i3lock-color man checkupdates+aur pacman-contrib polybar ccls clang eslint python-pylsl flake8 shellcheck clang-format-linter-git prettier python-black
yay -S --noconfirm --needed neovim qutebrowser telegram-desktop minecraft-launcher dunst bspwm sxhkd htop mpd ncmpcpp picom ranger rofi transmission-cli vlc zsh youtube-dl grc curl wget dmenu xclip figlet w3m xorg-server xorg-xinit ttf-font-awesome ttf-dejavu vifm feh xorg-xsetroot lxappearance python-pip alsa-utils tmux networkmanager maim fzf exfat-utils fuse2 udiskie udisks2 imagemagick i3lock-color man checkupdates+aur pacman-contrib polybar ccls clang eslint flake8 shellcheck clang-format-linter-git prettier python-black github-cli &> ~/.log/yay.log
pip3 install --user -U pynvim msgpack